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Perform variant calling on a set of normal samples using mutect2 panel of normals mode. Group them into a genomicsdbworkspace using genomicsdbimport, then use this to create a panel of normals using createsomaticpanelofnormals.


Includes: gatk4/mutect2gatk4/genomicsdbimportgatk4/createsomaticpanelofnormals

UMI-tools dedup, index BAM file and run samtools stats, flagstat and idxstats


Included in: nascentrnaseq
Includes: umitools/dedupsamtools/indexsamtools/statssamtools/idxstatssamtools/flagstat

Calculate contamination of the X-chromosome with ANGSD


Includes: angsd/docountsangsd/contamination

Picard MarkDuplicates, index BAM file and run samtools stats, flagstat and idxstats


Included in: atacseqcircdnarnaseq +1 more pipelines
Includes: picard/markduplicatessamtools/indexsamtools/statssamtools/idxstatssamtools/flagstat

Take a set of bam files and run NGSCheckMate to determine whether samples match with each other, using a set of SNPs.


Includes: bcftools/mpileupngscheckmate/ncm

Produces comprehensive statistics from BAM file


Includes: picard/collectmultiplemetricspicard/collectwgsmetricspicard/collecthsmetrics

Subworkflow to run multiple commands in the RSeqC package


Included in: callingcardsrnaseq
Includes: rseqc

Sort SAM/BAM/CRAM file


Included in: atacseqcircrnacutandrun +4 more pipelines
Includes: samtools/sortsamtools/indexsamtools/statssamtools/idxstatssamtools/flagstat

Split the reads in the input bam by specified genomic region.


Includes: samtools/viewsamtools/index

Produces comprehensive statistics from SAM/BAM/CRAM file


Included in: atacseqcallingcardscircdna +6 more pipelines
Includes: samtools/statssamtools/idxstatssamtools/flagstat

Perform variant calling on a paired tumor normal set of samples using mutect2 tumor normal mode. f1r2 output of mutect2 is run through learnreadorientationmodel to get the artifact priors. Run the input bam files through getpileupsummarries and then calculatecontamination to get the contamination and segmentation tables. Filter the mutect2 output vcf using filtermutectcalls, artifact priors and the contamination & segmentation tables for additional filtering.


Includes: gatk4/mutect2gatk4/learnreadorientationmodelgatk4/getpileupsummariesgatk4/calculatecontaminationgatk4/filtermutectcalls

Perform variant calling on a single tumor sample using mutect2 tumor only mode. Run the input bam file through getpileupsummarries and then calculatecontaminationto get the contamination and segmentation tables. Filter the mutect2 output vcf using filtermutectcalls and the contamination & segmentation tables for additional filtering.


Includes: gatk4/mutect2gatk4/getpileupsummariesgatk4/calculatecontaminationgatk4/filtermutectcalls